
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Palm Sugar Jelly

Ingredients : 
1. 1 and half scoop of sugar

2. 2 packet of jelly
3. 1 palm sugar
4. 500 ml of coconut milk
5. Water

First step : 
1. Cut the palm sugar until become small pieces. 
2. Put the jelly in the bowl and pour some water. Leave it for few minutes and strain the jelly from the water. 

Second step : 
1. Pour water in the pot and leave it for few minutes until it boil. 
2. Then add the palm sugar and sugar in the pot. 
3. Next put the coconut milk and mix together with the ingredients. 
4. Lastly put the jelly in the pot and stir together until the jelly melted with the ingredients. 
5. Turn off the pot once it done and pour it in the bowl and leave it to be cool. 

Third step : 
1. After the jelly cool down, you may put it in the fridge for 3 hours or more. 
2. Lastly, you may cut the jelly and serve. 

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